When I first heard The Police were touring, I immediately thought about the Police Picnic’s we attended in the early 80’s and all of the fun we had at them. I even thought I would like to go to one of the current shows if they came around here—and thinking how cool it would be to get everyone together again to go.
But it would seem that Synchronicity (get it?) was working its magic and the same thoughts were occurring way over in the U.K. So our beloved Phil contacted Wen and she contacted me to say he’d contacted her and then… well, I did a lot of thinking about long ago events. I laughed out loud thinking about sleeping in the Henry Moore Sculpture in front of the AGO. I don’t think I was even there for that one (Was I?) But it was a typical adventure. I have very strong memories of “surfing” our Chinese Mary Jane shoes over the subway grates beside City Hall at 3:00 in the morning. Oh and playing the made-up “St. Francis of Assisi” game when trying to fall asleep.
I even looked at the tour schedule. The summer dates in Toronto are already sold out. There’s a third date in November of 2007 that still has seats—but it’s in the Air Canada Centre and we’d be practically sitting in Mississauga. Besides that, I don’t think we could get away with trying to bring in a vodka soaked watermelon.
Edited to add the above picture circa... 1981 maybe?
And for everyone else still reading this, sorry about all of that lame memory crap. I think that’s what you do when you get old, right? Yep. Soon I’ll be telling all of my old stories to strangers in malls and supermarkets.
Well, here’s some little things you never knew you needed: