Saturday, April 14, 2007

Here I am! I've been in Chicago for the past week. My first time there and I loved it. Unfortunately it was a business trip so I had very little time to see the city. Thankfully my hotel was downtown (in the "loop) so I got to do some walking around in the core.

The "El" (the famous elevated train) is a very strange sight, though. It's really quite ugly, obscuring the buildings on either side and making it very dark down below--but it's also cool at the same time--especially the first time you see a train going by. I try to think how this must have been greeted by citizens of Chicago when it was first built!

We also had some fantastic meals. I think my favorite was at Shaw's Crab House. It was so reminiscent of the 30's/40's that we were certain Al Capone was about to walk in the door. Oh, and the crabcakes were divine. On the way to the restaurant I spotted the Yankee Hotel Foxtrot album cover! Which I now know as the Marina City towers (my picture above).

And of course, I got in some shopping. The Marshall Field's Building (Macy's) was quite amazing (8 floors!), but I certainly didn't find any bargains there. However, I did find some great deals and came home with a new scarf, bikini and red boots (which would be quite an outfit if worn all at the same time).

The only unfortunate thing was that I woke up with a cold on the second last day-- making the the last two days miserable. Then, when I tried to buy some cold medication I nearly had to promise my first born to get it. I had to show my passport, give my date of birth and address and sign something. And then, while my head is pounding, my nose running and I'm sweating under my winter gear, the pharmacist can't enter my postal code because "the system won't accept letters in the zip". Anyway, I finally got the drugs and went back to my meth lab for a night of hard work.

Chicago, I loved you. I hope to be back sometime soon to see more.


At 10:39 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I simply love this blog entry.

At 3:01 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want see you in that outfit the next time I see you :)


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